FAQ Question

How do I remove papers from my author page?

If a paper has been misattributed to you, you can remove it to ensure your list of papers is accurate and representative of your work.

  1. Visit your author page settings. When signed in to your account, you can find these settings by selecting Edit Author Page on your claimed author page or by selecting Edit Author Page from your author page panel on your Research Dashboard.
  2. From the left navigation panel, select Remove Papers.
  3. Searching or scrolling through the list to find the paper(s) that you’d like to remove.
  4. Select the X to the left of the paper title, then click Submit.

You can perform this for multiple papers at one time and you can undo any removal before submitting.

Please note that removing papers from your author page does not remove them from the Semantic Scholar site. If you would like to request your papers be removed from Semantic Scholar, please send us a link to the paper you'd like to have removed and provide a reason for the removal.

If you experience any difficulties or if you would like assistance, please let us know.