FAQ Question

How do I index my papers in Semantic Scholar?

If you are an author who would like to see your content in Semantic Scholar, you can submit papers with publicly accessible PDFs for indexing once you've successfully claimed your author page.

We will do our best to ensure your paper is added. Please note, however, that Semantic Scholar sources the majority of papers from our partners and differs from paper sharing sites like ResearchGate and Academia.edu. Our indexing process is fully automated and we cannot guarantee that our web crawler and PDF extraction process will successfully index your paper.

To submit an index request:

  1. Visit your author page settings by selecting Edit Author Page on your claimed author page or by selecting Settings from the dropdown menu under Account in the top right corner.
  2. In your author page settings, select Add Papers.
  3. Search for your paper. If your paper is not discoverable on Semantic Scholar, at the bottom of the search results select Add a paper that does not exist in our corpus.
  4. Paste a link to a publicly accessible PDF of your paper from an open access source.
  5. Select Add to add the PDF link. Note: If you have additional papers, paste a PDF link and select Add for each paper you wish to submit.
  6. Select Submit at the bottom of the page to submit the PDF link(s) for processing. Note: 'Status of Changes' does not currently display your submitted PDF index requests.

For new paper index requests, please allow 2 weeks for processing. We will do our best to ensure your paper is added.

We are unable to add papers without publicly accessible PDFs, non-academic papers, copyright protected content, or papers that require a login to access. We are also unable to add papers from sites like ResearchGate, Academia.edu, Google Scholar, and SSRN at this time.