FAQ Question

How do I create a Research Feed?

We recently simplified creating and curating Research Feeds by basing them on the folders in your Library.

When you find a paper you're interested in, select the Save to Library option on the paper page or select Save in the list of actions below the paper title. You can then turn on a Research Feed from your Library folder and from your Research Feeds page.

  • On your Library page, select a folder in the left panel. In the main column above the Sort options, toggle the Research Feed on or off.
  • On your Research Feeds page, select Settings above the right Viewing panel to view a list of all of your folders. Toggle the Rearch Feed on or off.

When you create a new Research Feed, come back tomorrow to view your recommendations. Recommendations are refreshed daily on your Research Dashboard and your Research Feeds page. You will also receive email alerts with new recommendations. To manage your email alerts, see "How do I manage the email alerts for my Research Feeds?".

Tip: The papers you save within a Library folder are positive signals, and the more papers you save to a Library folder and rate as "not relevant" in your Research Feed, the better your recommended papers will be. To ensure you receive the best recommendations, try rating 5 relevant papers by adding them to a Library folder, and 3 non-relevant papers by marking them as "not relevant" in the corresponding Research Feed.